
2023-09-02 01:40:12 作者:别留我独自一人


Coming from a java background, one of the things I am used to is telling the JVM what the maximum heap size should be. If the running program tries to swallow more than is allowed, and the garbage collector cannot free any more resources, then OutOfMemoryError is thrown and it all goes bang. So setting the maximum heap size is important in Java.


Does this apply in .net? Can you set the heap size limits? Does the CLR just keep growing its heap until it reaches the machine's physical limits? Or is it not an issue in .net for some subtle reason that my Java blinkers stop me from seeing?



You can't set max heap size in .Net unless you host the CLR yourself in a process.

编辑: 为了控制CLR的内存分配,包括最大堆大小,您需要使用托管API主办的CLR和专门使用的内存管理接口,一些起动信息可以在这里找到的