如何prevent Visual Studio的推出WcfSvcHost.exe在Debuggin?Studio、Visual、prevent、Debuggin

2023-09-02 21:30:09 作者:爷们默契范儿*/

我在Visual Studio 2008中有多个项目的解决方案。其中一个项目是一个WCF项目。有时候,我只是想调试等项目,但是当我preSS F5,Visual Studio中已wcfsvchost.exe发起主办的WCF项目,即使它不是启动项目。

I have a solution in Visual Studio 2008 which has multiple projects. One of the projects is a WCF project. Sometimes I just want to debug other projects, but when I press F5, Visual Studio has wcfsvchost.exe launched to host the WCF project even it is not "StartUp Project".

目前,我每次调试的其他项目的时候,我要卸载周转基金项目,以prevent烦人WcfSvcHost.exe主机弹出。然而,这并不方便。有人知道更好的主意,prevent WCF项目在调试模式下被托管?

Currently, every time I debugging other projects, I Have to Unload the WCF project to prevent the annoying WcfSvcHost.exe host pop up. However, it is not convenient. Anybody know better idea to prevent WCF project to be hosted in debugging mode?



Go to WCF Options section in the property page of your WCF project and unselect the check box that says 'Start WCF Service Host when debugging another project in the same solution'.