
2023-09-02 11:50:17 作者:离殇﹊落寂


What is the difference between boxing/unboxing and type casting?


Often, the terms seem to be used interchangeably.


拳击是指转换为非可空值类型为引用类型或值类型,它实现了一些接口的转换(比如< $ C C> INT $以 IComparable的&LT; INT&GT; )。此外,潜在的价值类型为可空类型的转换也是一个装箱转换。 (告诫:这个问题上的多数讨论将忽略后两种类型的转换)

Boxing refers to a conversion of a non-nullable-value type into a reference type or the conversion of a value type to some interface that it implements (say int to IComparable<int>). Further, the conversion of an underlying value type to a nullable type is also a boxing conversion. (Caveat: Most discussions of this subject will ignore the latter two types of conversions.)


int i = 5;
object o = i;


拆箱指的是一个明确的转换,从对象值类型来一个非空的值类型的实例,接口类型为一个非可空值类型转换(例如, IComparable的&LT; INT&GT; INT )。此外,可空类型的基础类型的转换也是一个拆箱转换。 (告诫:这个问题上会忽略后两种类型的转换的大部分讨论)

Unboxing refers to an explicit conversion from an instance of object or ValueType to a non-nullable-value type, the conversion of an interface type to a non-nullable-value type (e.g., IComparable<int> to int). Further, the conversion of a nullable type to the underlying type is also an unboxing conversion. (Caveat: Most discussion of this subject will ignore the latter two types of conversions.)


object o = (int)5;
int i = (int)o;

转换成键入 INT 的实例盒装 0 的整数。

converts the integer boxed in o to an instance of type int.


A type cast is an explicit conversion of an expression to a given type. Thus

(type) expression

明确转换 EX pression 来类型的对象键入