
2023-09-02 11:50:14 作者:跟空气撒个娇


I am unit testing a .NET application (.exe) that uses an app.config file to load configuration properties. The unit test application itself does not have an app.config file.


When I try to unit test a method that utilizes any of the configuration properties, they return null. I'm assuming this is because the unit test application is not going to load in the target application's app.config.


Is there a way to override this or do I have to write a script to copy the contents of the target app.config to a local app.config?

这的后一种 - 会问这个问题,但笔者真的是从不同的角度看它比我。

This post kind-of asks this question but the author is really looking at it from a different angle than I am.


I should mention that I'm using VS08 Team System for my unit tests.


要做到这一点是将的.config 文件中的部署部分在设备上添加的最简单方法试验。

The simplest way to do this is to add the .config file in the deployment section on your unit test.

要做到这一点,从您的解决方案项打开 .testrunco​​nfig 文件。在部署部分,添加输出的.config 从项目的构建目录中的文件(presumably 斌调试 )。

To do so, open the .testrunconfig file from your Solution Items. In the Deployment section, add the output .config files from your project's build directory (presumably binDebug).


Anything listed in the deployment section will be copied into the test project's working folder before the tests are run, so your config-dependent code will run fine.

编辑:我忘了补充,这将无法工作在所有情况下,所以你可能需要包括重命名输出启动脚本的.config 匹配单元测试的名字。

I forgot to add, this will not work in all situations, so you may need to include a startup script that renames the output .config to match the unit test's name.