using语句VS命名空间的路径? C#语句、路径、空间、using

2023-09-02 01:30:50 作者:誰與我狂


I recently stopped using "using statements" and instead use the full namespace path of any .NET object that I call.


using System;    

namespace QuizViewer
    class Class1
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");


namespace QuizViewer
    class Class1
        System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");


Before you ask why I do this, I am using this style so that I can see exactly where my objects are coming from and its easier when using the different Timer objects and other objects with similar names.


Is there any performance increase or decrease for this style of programming?


有为零的性能差异,因为编译器总是把在全名 - 使用只是一个提示编译器,运行时不知道或不支持的

There is zero performance difference because the compiler ALWAYS puts in the full name - using is only a hint for the compiler, the runtime doesn't know or support that.


However, once you memorize where the objects come from you will look at this as silly and verbose. There is just so much noise and people just know that Path is from System.IO, Console is in System and StringBuilder is in System.Text.

你的方法的一个缺点:如果不使用,目前的命名空间以外的任何扩展方法。玩得开心写 System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(inputSequence,...)而不仅仅是 inputSequence.Where(...):)

One downside of your approach: Without using, no extension methods outside of the current namespace. Have fun writing System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(inputSequence,...) instead of just inputSequence.Where(...) :)