在C#3.5 FX创建在一个特定的时区的日期时间时区、日期、时间、FX

2023-09-02 01:18:51 作者:褪去半生傲气


I'm trying to create a unit test to test the case for when the timezone changes on a machine because it has been incorrectly set and then corrected.


In the test I need to be able to create DateTime objects in a none local time zone to ensure that people running the test can do so successfully irrespective of where they are located.


From what I can see from the DateTime constructor I can set the TimeZone to be either the local timezone, the UTC timezone or not specified.


How do I create a DateTime with a specific timezone like PST?


Jon's回答有关时区的谈判,但我建议使用的的TimeZoneInfo 代替。

Jon's answer talks about TimeZone, but I'd suggest using TimeZoneInfo instead.


Personally I like keeping things in UTC where possible, so I'd suggest a structure like this:

public struct DateTimeWithZone
    private readonly DateTime utcDateTime;
    private readonly TimeZoneInfo timeZone;

    public DateTimeWithZone(DateTime dateTime, TimeZoneInfo timeZone)
        utcDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTime, timeZone); 
        this.timeZone = timeZone;

    public DateTime UniversalTime { get { return utcDateTime; } }

    public TimeZoneInfo TimeZone { get { return timeZone; } }

    public DateTime LocalTime
            return TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(utcDateTime, timeZone); 

您可能希望改变时区名的TimeZoneInfo为了让事情更清楚 - 我preFER了简短的名字我自己

You may wish to change the "TimeZone" names to "TimeZoneInfo" to make things clearer - I prefer the briefer names myself.
