关闭和处置 ​​- 这称呼?

2023-09-02 01:17:57 作者:七度光芒﹎


Having read the threads Is SqlCommand.Dispose enough? and Closing and Disposing a WCF Service I am wondering for classes such as SqlConnection or one of the several classes inheriting from the Stream class does it matter if I close Dispose rather than Close?



I want to clarify this situation.

According to Microsoft guidelines, it's a good practice to provide Close method where suitable. Here is a citation from Framework design guidelines


Consider providing method Close(), in addition to the Dispose(), if close is standard terminology in the area. When doing so, it is important that you make the Close implementation identical to Dispose ...


In most of cases Close and Dispose methods are equivalent. The main difference between Close and Dispose in the case of SqlConnectionObject is:

应用程序可以调用关闭更多   超过一次。没有例外的是   产生的。

An application can call Close more than one time. No exception is generated.

如果您叫Dispose方法   SqlConnection对象的状态将是   复位。如果你试图调用任何   在处置的SqlConnection方法   对象,您将收到异常。

If you called Dispose method SqlConnection object state will be reset. If you try to call any method on disposed SqlConnection object, you will receive exception.


如果您使用的连接对象的情况 时间,用废弃。 如果连接对象必须重复使用, 使用Close方法。 If you use connection object one time, use Dispose. If connection object must be reused, use Close method.