如何强制我的.NET应用程序作为管理员在Windows 7上运行吗?我的、应用程序、管理员、Windows

2023-09-02 01:16:13 作者:Michael.(米迦勒)

在我的程序被安装在客户机上,我怎么逼我的程序作为管理员在Windows 7上运行吗?

Once my program is installed on a client machine, how do I force my program to run as an administrator on Windows 7?


您会希望修改被嵌入程序清单。这适用于VS2008及以上:项目+添加新项,选择应用程序清单文件。更改< requestedExecutionLevel> 元素:

You'll want to modify the manifest that gets embedded in the program. This works on VS2008 and higher: Project + Add New Item, select "Application Manifest File". Change the <requestedExecutionLevel> element to:

 <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />


The user gets the UAC prompt when they start the program. Use wisely, their patience can wear out quickly.