
2023-09-02 09:53:30 作者:、、卟停留好不好、、卟在意好不好


I know this has been covered extensively, but I can't seem to find an answer to what I want to do. I've read all the stack articles and looked at different methods that google shows with the infinite number of search strings I've tried.


I've seen articles talking about making the PHP readable URL go to pretty but nothing (I can understand) on making the pretty go to PHP readable.


I've seen articles talking about making an htaccess entry for each "user" (in the case below), but no few-line solution that formats the way I need (again, in the case below).


Can someone provide a template for:

1)发送,看起来像 https://mysite.com/users/sampleUserName 来 https://mysite.com/users.php?username=sampleUserName

1) Sending a pretty URL that looks like https://mysite.com/users/sampleUserName to https://mysite.com/users.php?username=sampleUserName


2) Have users.php handle the pretty url if that's even necessary.

我甚至完全确定我在问什么(因为我不知道如何工作的,因此这个问题),因此,如果任何人都可以更precisely读懂我的心思,这将是更AP preciated。 LOL

I'm not even totally sure what I'm asking (because I have no idea how this works hence the question), so if anyone can more precisely read my mind, it would be much appreciated. LOL


Bottom line: I want people to be able to type in a pretty URL and have PHP be able to handle it.



您需要使用Apache的的 的mod_rewrite

You need to use Apache's mod_rewrite.

您需要在您的的.htaccess 文件中添加以下行:

You will need to add the following lines in your .htaccess file:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule   ^[a-zA-Z0-9]/?$    users.php?username=$1    [NC,L]

如果您想了解更多关于它,这里是关于的 URL重写初学者。