
2023-09-02 09:51:54 作者:你情绪化的小任性


I have an ADMIN script.


所有的活动都是通过这个的index.php 文件来完成。 用户登录在获得该程序的功能访问之前。 $ _ SESSION ['user_authenticated'] 创建并设置为真的。照片

All activity is done through this index.php file. Users are logging in before gaining access to the program functionality.$_SESSION['user_authenticated'] is created and set to true.


此文件夹包含图片 CSS 的JavaScript 文件。 他们只是在这个ADMIN使用。 (在后台只)的

This folder contains images, css, javascript files. They are used only within this ADMIN. (in the backend only)



I need all the content from admin/template/.. directory to be protected against direct access.It should be available only to authenticated users.

我想必须有一个的.htaccess 重定向请求 check_session_auth_variable.php ,它看起来如果 $ _ SESSION ['user_authenticated'] 是真正或错误和重定向到请求的文件或< STRONG>抛出一个404错误

I guess there has to be a .htaccess redirecting requests to check_session_auth_variable.php, which looks if $_SESSION['user_authenticated'] is true or false and redirects to requested file or throws a 404 error?



管理/ htaccess的:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !check_auth.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f
RewriteRule .* check_auth.php?file=$0 [QSA,L] # pass everything thru php

管理/ check_auth.php:

$file = $_GET['file'];
if($_SESSION['user_authenticated']) {
    // please mind you need to add extra security checks here (see comments below)
    readfile($file); // if it's php include it. you may need to extend this code
   // bad auth error