
2023-09-02 00:39:02 作者:呐喊,@の咆哮,@

我有一个目录在我的web应用程序,我想保留所有的用户个人资料图片。用户可以上传所有类型的图像(PNG,JPG,GIF等)。不过,我想图像URL是友好的,如。 http://example.com/static/picture/300-username ,文件为300名,但没有扩展名。我想删除的扩展,当用户上传,并与一个PHP控制器,添加一个:

I have a directory in my web app where I want to keep all the user profile pictures. Users can upload all types of images (png, jpg, gif). However, I want the image URL to be friendly, eg. http://example.com/static/picture/300-username, where the file is 300-username, but with no extension. I thought of removing the extension when the user uploads, and with a PHP controller, add a:

header('Content-Type: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/png');


This has worked well. I was wondering however, if this can be done by placing an .htaccess file in the picture directory, with some sort of Header, that whatever file is read in this directory, will display as picture. Is this possible?


不要取出扩展,只是提供扩展名的URI像 /静态/图片/ 300用户名 。然后一行添加到您的.htaccess:

Don’t remove the extension, just offer extensionless URIs like /static/picture/300-username. Then add a line to your .htaccess:

Options +MultiViews
