
2023-09-02 11:40:10 作者:醉卧红颜〃笑倾城

我有一个index.php文件,在本地主机/项目profile.php文件 我下面code。在我的.htaccess文件有本地主机/项目/ profile.php写的?U = SAM 访问本地主机/项目/ SAM

I have an index.php, profile.php files in localhost/project I've written following code in my .htaccess file to have localhost/project/profile.php?u=sam by visiting localhost/project/sam

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ profile.php?u=$1
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/$ profile.php?u=$1

当我访问的http://本地主机/项目/ SAM 它diplays我想没有错误。但是,当我访问的http://本地主机/项目/ SAM / (尾随 / ),它显示纯文本,这意味着没有附加的CSS文件的页面。

When I visit http://localhost/project/sam it diplays what I want without errors. But when I visit http://localhost/project/sam/ (with trailing / ) it displays the page with plain text, that means the css file is not attached.


Anyone know the reason for this? And help me to solve this?



You are probably using relative URI paths to reference those external resources. And relative URIs are resolved on a base URI that is the URI of the current document if not specified otherwise.

于是就 /项目/ SAM使用相对URI路径像 CSS / style.css中这是解决以 /project/css/style.css ;但在使用时, /项目/ SAM / 它解析为 /project/sam/css/style.css

So when using a relative URI path like css/style.css on /project/sam it is resolved to /project/css/style.css; but when used on /project/sam/ it is resolved to /project/sam/css/style.css.

您既可以由使用绝对URI路径解决这个问题 /project/css/style.css 或改变使用的 BASE 元素。但需要注意的是,后者将影响的所有的相对URI,而不只是相对的URI路径。

You could fix this by either using the absolute URI path /project/css/style.css or by changing the base URI with the BASE element. But note that the latter will affect all relative URIs and not just relative URI paths.