
2023-09-02 09:49:15 作者:明人不放暗屁


I've had some users trying to access a site that is registered as subdomain.example.com with www.subdomain.example.com.


is there some sort of .htaccess rule I can add to redirect people that arrive using www.subdomain.example.com to subdomain.example.com?


Also, do I have to change DNS stuff?



<VirtualHost *:80> 
    ServerName www.subdomain.example.com 
    Redirect permanent / http://subdomain.example.com/ 

阿帕奇自动preserves后,任何事物的 / 使用重定向指令,这是一种常见的误解时,为什么这种方法是不行的(而实际上它)。

Apache automatically preserves anything after the / when using the Redirect directive, which is a common misconception about why this method won't work (when in fact it does).

此外,是的,你将需要更改DNS记录,因为 www.subdomain.example.com 是一个明显的主机名,需要自己的A(或CNAME)记录浏览器指向摆在首位适当的服务器。

Also, yes you will need to change DNS records, because www.subdomain.example.com is a distinct hostname that needs its own A (or CNAME) record to point the browser to an appropriate server in the first place.