
2023-09-02 00:19:59 作者:狙惩天

我试图写一个的.htaccess 规则重定向到一个脚本,从而进一步重定向别处。有点像URL shorteners是如何工作的。然而,我不要想地址栏重定向的的.htaccess 部分发生变化。 (这是没关系的脚本重定向到更改的位置。)

I'm trying to write an .htaccess rule to redirect to a script, which further redirects somewhere else. Kind of like how URL shorteners work. However, I don't want the address bar to change during the .htaccess part of the redirect. (It's okay for the script redirect to change the location.)

我用的mod_rewrite ,目前正在做这样的:

I'm using mod_rewrite, currently doing this:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule (.+)$ "?url=$1" [L,R=301]


Is there a flag or another method I can use to achieve what I'm trying to do?

补遗:在Firefox中的重定向正在发生,这就是我想要做的地址栏并没有改变。它只是改变一次,以反映终点。 Safari浏览器改变它的每一步。什么方法可以避免呢?

Addenda: The location bar doesn't change in Firefox as the redirects are happening, which is what I want to do. It just changes once to reflect the end point. Safari changes it at every step. Any way to avoid that?


如果您使用的是研究标志你告诉的mod_rewrite 一个外部重定向是你想要的,因此,浏览器被要求做一个新的请求,并在地址栏中应相应地改变。

If you are using the R flag you are telling mod_rewrite that an external redirect is what you want, therefore the browser is asked to make a new request and the address bar should change accordingly.


Without the R flag, there is no redirect, but an Apache-internal request rewrite which is hidden from the browser. Thus, the address bar won't change. However, you cannot use internal redirects to external URIs for obvious reasons.


Since you seem to use an internal redirect anyway, just remove the R flag and it should work:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule (.+)$ ?url=$1 [L]