
2021-12-11 12:43:56 作者:眼眸的颓废




Hans Lienesch大叔本年40出面,从小便超爱便利面。

1998年的时间,他偶尔中品味到印度尼西亚的Indomi旗下的Mi Goreng Satay (营多本味捞面),一下子迷得不得了。他的伙伴了解他有这种爱好,于是找了百般便利面请他品味。在尝了几十种之后,大叔猛然想,为啥不博门干一个便利面测评的网站呢?


从2013年起,Hans大叔启始干百般泡眼前十榜单,例如top ten杯面,top ten碗面,top ten米粉以及top ten辣泡面等等,而个中最驰名的,则莫过于每年的年度最好泡面了,包罗一张总榜,和按国度/地域分的排名。



10. 韩国Gookmul骑士肋排面

The noodles are perfectly chewy and of high quality with a great mouthfeel. What’s amazing about this one is the noodles get ensconced in a luxuriant sauce with lots of real pork – it’s kind of like having barbecue pulled pork noodles and it’s simply delectable and memorable.


9. 出前一丁 – 棒丁面

The noodles are thin and straight with a very nice chew. The broth is a melange of spicy and milky tonkotsu that had a deep and rich flavor. The heat isn’t so strong you’ll be running for the hills, but it’s respectable insofar as it is spicy but doesn’t overwhelm the underlying tonkotsu flavor.


8. TTL – 白酒帕式达(奶油培根味)

This one comes with a retort pouch of creamy sauce and pork which is augmented by a sachet of white wine. A sipping soup is made with a separate sachet. The combination is apt and Very delicious.


7. 老妈拌面

We start with a thin noodle, one that is not fried but dried in the hot sun – no sun, no noodles. The flavor is a combination of chili oil, sesame paste, soy sauce and a dry combo of Sichuan peppercorn hulls and garlic. Finally, the end result is a multi-layered balance of flavors that harmonize perfectly.


6. 红厨 – 青酸辣汤面

This one has noodles that plump up nicely. The broth is strong and kind of reminds me of a cross between a Malaysian tom yum crossed with green curry spiciness. It works very well and is very tasty.


5. 新加坡百胜厨咖喱拉面

The noodles are thick and chewy – and while they are wholegrain they aren’t coarse on the chew. The broth comes from two large sachets – one full of curry paste and one of coconut powder. The richness and depth of flavor here is sensational and delights the palate with flavors that are balanced and superb.


4. 嘉珍 – 娘惹咖喱叻沙

A broth with a nice rich and creamy flavor augmented by coconut milk powder and a special ‘dipping sauce’ that has a sweet and spicy shrimp hit just makes everything so good. A truly delightful and enticing scent brings one to the bowl with anticipation and hunger.


3. MyKuali – 槟城白咖喱面

The noodle plumps up very well. A big sachet of curry paste sets the stage along with creamer and seasoning. The end result is an incredibly strong and spicy curry that is all in all unique and mesmerizing.


2. 红厨 – 樱花虾辣汤面

A sweet and extremely strong prawn flavor. A good level of spiciness is here as well and works with the broth rather than overwhelms it. The broth is thick and oiliness is on point. Rounding things out is a sachet of fried onions – good sized ones that add a very agreeable crunch on top.


1. 新加坡百胜厨叻沙拉面

Its chewy wholegrain noodles are hearty and artisanal. The broth is a combination of a laksa paste sachet which is large and full of premium ingredients. The broth is made fuller and creamy with the second sachet, a large one filled with coconut milk powder.



中国陆地罕睹的拉面,大叔每年也会干一个榜单,底下便是他测评的2017 top ten,来瞅瞅有不你爱好的一款?

10. 阿宽 – 红油面皮

The noodles are very broad and hydrated well. They have a nice chewiness to them. The flavor is excellent – a nice oily spiciness and a slight sweetness.



9. 康师父 – 西红柿鸡蛋挨卤面

The noodles are about double the width of a standard instant noodle and flat. Very floppy but very nice in this application. The broth is indeed tomato flavored, and has a nice tomato taste at that. The included vegetables hydrated perfectly – all the way down to the peas.


8. 白家手擀面 – 老坛酸菜味

The noodles are a little wide and flat. The broth has a rich flavor – the sauerkraut’s bitterness is there, and there’s a little spiciness to it which was great!


7. 今麦郎辣煌尚 – 香锅麻辣牛肉面

The noodles are perfect – plump and plentiful. The broth is wonderful – perfect oiliness and heat and beef flavor. The vegetables in the powder sachet hydrated very well. The supplied seaweed is perfect.



6. 五谷讲场私房五谷面 – 酸汤臊子莜麦面

The noodles have a standard instant gauge. They have just the right backbone to them – good texture and chew. The broth is extremely good – a tart beef flavor with good oiliness to it. The carrot and beef are excellent! Like a gourmet vegetable beef noodle.



5. 阿宽沉庆小面 – 麻辣小面

The noodles are thin and flat with a medium width. They really work well here. The broth is a very spicy beef with a Sichuan pepper hit among others. There are sesame seeds throughout and the bits of vegetables in there were great.



4. 今麦郎辣煌尚 – 辣子鸡面

The broth has a great spiciness – worthy of the top ten spicy list. Sichuan pepper for sure. Nice color and oiliness in the broth as well.



3. 阿宽沉庆小面 – 红油焚面

The noodles are extremely plentiful and really soft and floppy. This is perfect as the seasonings and liquids combine with them very well. The flavor is like an almost beefy and tasty lasagna but with Sichuan pepper and other spices going on. Moreover, the more you eat, the spicier it gets – heat, upon heat, upon heat! The pain!



2. 今麦郎辣煌尚 – 剁椒排骨面

The noodles came out nice and plump and there’s a good amount of them. The broth has a fiery spiciness and great flavor to it.



1. 五谷讲场私房五谷面 – 番茄牛腩紫薯面

The noodles, made from purple potatoes have a nice texture to them – a little sturdier than your garden variety instant and they were very nice to chew. The broth is a thick beef and tomato affair, with a very luxuriant and rich texture to it – almost creamy in a way. The inclusion of large pieces of tomato and real beef brisket in there was admirable and very enjoyable. Premium bowl of noodles.


